If you’ve been thinking about consuming less sugar at any point, you’ve probably begun to notice that sugar is in just about everything. Everyone is familiar with the concept that sweets and other baked foods sold in convenience stores aren’t the only foods that contain sugar, but the love affair with sugar goes much deeper.
How then, would it be possible for anyone to get away from eating sugar?
The following article will be sharing 9 Tips on How to Stop Sugar Cravings.
1. Make Protein a Meal Staple
Protein is great for the body, and also happens to aid in the control of blood sugar. Try adding an amount of protein to your meal periods. This doesn’t mean that it always has to be meat, as many other alternatives are available.
2. Find a Good Multivitamin
The primary physical source of food craving is a nutrient deficiency. Taking a well balanced multivitamin will help you to avoid cravings. For the best effect, take the multivitamin with food.

3. Sleep Well
Sugar is often used as a way to boost energy when tired. Getting good rest will help you avoid this crash.
4. Don’t Keep It Available
If you don’t buy it on grocery trips, you will be less inclined to eat it. Empty out your fridge and pantry so that next time you want a snack, you have no choice but to go for a healthy, sugar-free one.
5. Make it a Habit to Read Labels
There are a variety of products available to help you avoid high sugar intake. Read labels and research which products fit into your lifestyle.
6. Know Sugar’s Other Names
To make the previous tip more effective, you will need to become familiar with some of the other names for sugar such as: corn syrup, corn sugar, high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, and dextrose. Any ingredient ending with -ose is a form of sugar, so read the ingredient list carefully.
7. Complex Carbohydrates
Baked goods created from refined and processed flour not only contain sugar, but affect blood sugar in the same way that sugar does. It would be a good idea to limit your intake of these foods.
8. L-Glutamine
You might want to give this interesting amino acid a try. It helps convert sugars into brain food.
9. Drink a lot of Water
Often times cravings are thirst. Instead of reaching for a soda, drink seltzer water or mineral water to satisfy the urge to drink a fizzy drink.