Small Business
Unfortunately, insurance companies are driven by profits, not people (albeitthey have peopleto form profits). If theinsurance firm can find a legal reasonto not pay a claim,likelihood is that they’re going to find it, and youthe buyer will suffer. However, whatmost of the people failto understand is that there areonly a few “loopholes” in anpolicy that give theinsurance firm an unfair advantage overthe buyer . In fact, insurance companiesattend great lengths to detailthe restrictions of their coverage by giving the policy holders 10-days (a 10-day free look period) to review their policy. Unfortunately,most of the people put their insurance cards in their wallet and place their policyduring a drawer orfile during their 10-day free look andit always isn’t until they receive a “denial” letter from theinsurance firm that they take their policybent really read through it.The majority
of individuals , who buy their owninsurance , rely heavily on theinsurance broker selling the policyto elucidate the plan’s coverage and benefits. This being the case, many individuals who purchase their owninsurance plan can tell youlittle or no about their plan,aside from , what they pay in premiumsand the way muchthey need to pay to satisfy their deductible.For many consumers, purchasing a
insurance policy on their ownare often a huge undertaking. Purchasing ainsurance policyisn’t like buying a car, in that,the customer knows that the engine and transmission are standard,which power windows are optional. Ainsurance planis far more ambiguous, andit’s often very difficult forthe buyer to work out whatsort of coverage is standard and what other benefits are optional. In my opinion,this is often the first reasonthat the majority policy holdersdo not realize thatthey are doing not have coverage fora selected medical treatment until they receivean outsized bill from the hospital stating that “benefits were denied.”Sure, we all complain about insurance companies, but we do know that they serve a “necessary evil.” And,
albeit purchasinginsurance could also be a frustrating, daunting and time consuming task, there are certain thingscan do as a consumer that you simply simplyto make sure that you are purchasingthe sort ofinsurance coverageyou actually need ata good price.Dealing with small business owners
and therefore the self-employed market,I even have come tothe belief thatit’s extremely difficult for peopleto differentiate betweenthe sort ofinsurance coverage that they “want”and therefore the benefits they really “need.” Recently,I even have read various comments on different Blogs advocating health plansthat provide 100% coverage (no deductible and no-coinsurance) and, although I agree that thosesorts of plans havean excellent “curb appeal,” I can tell you from personal experience that these plansaren’t for everybody . Do 100% health plans offer the policy holder greater peace of mind? Probably. Butmay be a 100%insurance plan somethingthat the majority consumers really need? Probably not! In my professional opinion,once you purchase ainsurance plan,you want to achieve a balance between four important variables; wants, needs, risk and price.a bit like you’d do if you were purchasing options fora replacement car,you’ve got to weighof these variables before you spend your money. Ifyou’re healthy, take no medicationsand infrequently attend the doctor,does one actually need a 100% plan with a $5 co-payment forprescribed drugs if it costs you $300 dollars more a month?Is it worth $200 more a month
to possess a $250 deductible and a $20 brand name/$10 generic Rx co-pay versus an 80/20 plan with a $2,500 deductible that also offers a $20 brand name/$10generic co-pay after you pay a once a year $100 Rx deductible? Wouldn’t the 80/20 plan stillprovide you with adequate coverage? Don’tyou think that it might be betterto place that extra $200 ($2,400 per year) in yourchecking account , justjust in case you’ll need to pay your $2,500 deductible or buy a $12 Amoxicillin prescription? Isn’t it wiserto stay your hard-earned moneyinstead of pay higher premiums to an insurance company?Yes, there are
some ways you’ll keep more ofthe cash that you simply would normally give to aninsurance firm within the sort of higher monthly premiums.for instance , thefederal encourages consumersto get H.S.A. (Health Savings Account) qualified H.D.H.P.’s (High Deductible Health Plans)in order that they have more control over how their health care dollars are spent. Consumers who purchase an HSA Qualified H.D.H.P. can putextra cash asideannually in an interest bearing accountin order that they can usethat cash tobuy out-of-pocket medical expenses. Even procedures thataren’t normally covered by insurance companies, like Lasik eye surgery, orthodontics, and alternative medicines become 100% tax deductible. If thereare not any claims that yearthe cash that was deposited into the tax deferred H.S.Aare often rolled over tosubsequent year earninga good higher rate of interest. If thereare not any significant claims for several years (asis usually the case) the insuredfinishes up building a sizeable account that enjoys similar tax benefits asa standard I.R.A. Most H.S.A. administrators now offer thousands of no load mutual funds to transfer your H.S.A. funds into soyou’ll potentially earna good higher rate of interest.In my experience,
i think that individuals who purchase their health plansupported wantsinstead of needs feelthe foremost defrauded or “ripped-off” by theirinsurance firm and/orinsurance broker . In fact, I hear almost identical comments from almost every business owner that I speak to. Comments, such as, “Ineed to run my business,i do not have time to be sick! “I thinkI even have gone to the doctor 2 timeswithin the last 5 years” and “Myinsurance firm keeps raising my ratesand that i don’t even use my insurance!” As a business owner myself, I can understand their frustration. So, is therean easy formulathat everybody can followto form insurance buying easier? Yes! Become an INFORMED consumer.So what
does one think happens almost 100% of the timeonce I ask these individuals “BASIC”questions on theirinsurance policy?they are doing not know the answers!the subsequent may be a list of 10 questions that I frequently ask a prospectiveinsurance client.let’s examine what percentage you’ll answer withoutwatching your policy.1. What
insurance firm are you insured with andwhat’s the name of yourinsurance plan? (e.g. Blue Cross Blue Shield-“Basic Blue”)2.
what’s yourcivil year deductible and wouldyou’ve got to pay a separate deductiblefor every loved one if everyone in your family became ill atan equivalent time? (e.g.the bulk of health plans have a per person yearly deductible,for instance , $250, $500, $1,000, or $2,500. However, some plans will only require you to pay a 2 person maximum deductibleannually ,albeit everyone in your family needed extensivemedical aid .)3.
what’s your coinsurance percentage and what dollar amount (stop loss)it’s based on? ( honest plan with 80/20 coverage means you pay 20% of some dollar amount. This dollar amountis additionally referred to as a stop lossand may varysupported the sort of policyyou buy . Stop lossesare often as little as $5,000 or $10,000 orthe maximum amount as $20,000 or there are some policies on the market thathaven’t any stop loss dollar amount.)4.
what’s your maximum out of pocket expense per year? (e.g. All deductibles plus all coinsurance percentages plus all applicable access fees or other fees)5.
what’s the Lifetime maximum benefit theinsurance firm can pay if you become seriously ill and does your plan have any “per illness” maximums or caps? (e.g. Some plans may have a $5 million lifetime maximum, but may have a maximum benefit cap of $100,000 per illness.this suggests that you simply wouldneed to develop many separate and unrelated life-threatening illnesses costing $100,000 or less to qualify for $5 million of lifetime coverage.)6. Is your plan a schedule plan,
therein it only paysa particular amount fora selected list of procedures? (e.g., Mega Life & Health & Midwest National Life, endorsed by the National Association of the Self-Employed, understood for endorsing schedule plans) 7. Does your plan have doctor co-pays and are you limited toa particular number of doctor co-pay visits per year? (e.g. Many plans have a limit ofwhat percentage times youattend the doctorper annum for a co-pay and,very often the limit is 2-4 visits.)8. Does your plan offer
prescription coverage and if it does,does one pay a co-pay for your prescriptions ordoes one need to meet a separate drug deductible before you receive any benefits and/ordoes one just havea reduction prescription card only? (e.g. Some plansprovide you with prescription benefitsdirectly , other plans requirethat you simply pay a separate drug deductible beforeyou’ll receive prescription medication for a co-pay. Today, many plans offer no co-pay options and only provide you witha reduction prescription cardthat provides you a 10-20% discount on all prescription medications).9. Does your plan have any reduction in benefits for organ transplants and if so,
what’s the utmost your plancan pay ifyou would like an organ transplant? (e.g. Some plans only pay a $100,000 maximum benefit for organ transplants for a procedurethat really costs $350-$500K and this $100,000 maximumcan also include reimbursement for expensive anti-rejection medicationsthat has got to be taken after a transplant. Ifthis is often the case,you’ll oftenneed to buy all anti-rejection medications out of pocket).10.
does one need to pay a separate deductible or “access fee”for every hospital admission orfor every ER visit? (e.g. Some plans,just like the Assurant Health’s “CoreMed” plan have a separate $750 hospitalentrance fee that you simply buy the primary 3 daysyou’re within the hospital. This fee isadditionally to your plan deductible. Also, many plans have benefit “caps” or “access fees” for out-patient services, such as,physiotherapy ,therapy , chemotherapy,radiotherapy , etc. Benefit “caps”might be as little as $500for every out-patient treatment, leaving you a bill for the remaining balance. Access fees are additional feesthat you simply pay per treatment.for instance ,for every outpatient chemotherapy treatment,you’ll be required to pay a $250 “access fee” per treatment. So for 40 chemotherapy treatments,you’d need to pay 40 x $250 = $10,000. Again, these fees would be chargedadditionally to your plan deductible).Now
that you’ve got read through the list of questions that I ask a prospectiveinsurance client, ask yourselfwhat percentage questions you wereready to answer. Ifyou could not answer all ten questionsdo not be discouraged.that does not meanthat you simply aren’t a sensible’s going to just meanthat you simply addressed a “bad”insurance broker . So how could you tell if youaddressed a “bad”insurance broker ? Because a “great” insurance agent would have taken the timeto assist you actually understand your insurance benefits. A “great” agent spends time asking YOU questions so s/he can understand your insurance needs. A “great” agent recommends health planssupported all four variables; wants, needs, risk and price. A “great” agent givesyou adequate information to weigh all of your options soyou’ll make an informed purchasing decision. And lastly, a “great” agent looks out for YOUR best interest and NOTthe simplest interest of theinsurance firm .