Take the test:
- Are you able to laugh off at your mistakes and failures?
- Are you able to see the bright side and confront problems without feeling drained and exhausted?
- Are you able to see the positive and opportunities when faced with failure of a test or exam?
- Are you able to face challenging situations with balance and calm?
- Do you overthink and over analyse situations?
A light heart enables us to make the journey as satisfying as the destination because there is no seriousness to an energy drain along the way. A heavy heart on the other hand react to failure with feelings of stress and anxiety, putting us in an overprotection mode of fight or flight.
So next time when you are confronted with a difficult situation, do so with a light heart, it will help reduce the seriousness of the situation, enable you to be in a calmer and rational state to find the best solution to the problem.
“There is only one way to happiness, and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will” Epictetus
Jenny Korten is a certified facilitator for the UFIND and EP7 programs. For more information, email her at jenny@health2bfree.com our subscribe to her blog at subscribe.