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Digestive and Systemic Enzymes: Circulation and Hair Growth

Summary of the blog topics

  • Digestive and systemic enzymes for proper circulation and improved hair growth.
  • What are digestive and systemic enzymes?
  • Digestive and systemic enzyme depletion increases the risk of disease and premature ageing.
  • Digestive and systemic enzyme depletion increases the risk of disease and premature ageing.
  • Digestive Enzymes
  • Food Enzymes
  • Systemic enzymes can increase hair growth because these enzymes improve blood flow and clear out your blood from impurities.
  • Good circulation is key to healthy hair
  • Inflammation: the root cause of many diseases
  • How do you increase the number of systemic enzymes in your body?
  • My personal experience with digestive and systemic enzymes

Digestive and systemic enzymes for good circulation and improved hair growth.

Digestive and systemic enzymes improve circulation and stimulate hair growth.

The primary role of enzymes is to sustain life. Nearly every process in the body requires chemical reactions. Whether we’re healing from an injury or breaking down the foods we eat; we need digestive and systemic enzymes that handle all these tasks.

digestive and systemic enzymesWhat are digestive and systemic enzymes?

Digestive and systemic enzymes are the catalysts that take care of all the chemical reactions in the body. Every cell in our body needs enzymes for maintenance, repair and building, nutritional absorption, tissue repair, immune system dysfunction, and much more. They even slow down the ageing process. Any significant depletion of these crucial catalysts on our bodies can have a detrimental impact on our wellbeing and can cause hair loss.

The human body uses digestive and systemic enzymes for processes that keep the body healthy, nourished, and functioning optimally. They’re used to draw nourishment from the foods we eat as well as in healing.

Your body naturally produces enzymes; however, it’s a process that starts to decline from the age of 25.  Depletion of digestive and systemic enzymes can lead to health problems and a range of other symptoms like circulatory complications or joint pain.

Digestive and systemic enzyme depletion increases the risk of disease and premature ageing.

Another vulnerability that comes with enzyme depletion is a higher incidence of disease and premature ageing.

One way to maintain your health and energy levels is to ensure that your digestive and systemic enzyme levels are balanced. Processed foods lack enzymes and require more enzymes to make digestion happen, so be mindful of your diet.

To stay healthy and energetic, maintaining the right enzyme intake is essential. But with so much processed food available to us, it’s not that easy and processed foods are a significant cause of hair loss and decreased hair growth.

Different Types of Enzymes

When you think about enzymes functioning within your body, think of three distinct types of digestive enzymes, food enzymes, and systemic enzymes.

Digestive Enzymes

When you eat food, your body must break it down for it to be useful.  Digestive enzymes operate in the gastrointestinal tract and aid the digestive process. They process the various types of foods that you eat:  carbohydrates (amylase), fibre (cellulase), fats (lipase), and proteins (amylase).  When your digestive enzymes are functioning correctly, they help you avoid the discomfort of bloating, indigestion, and gas.  Research reports that many people require less medication when their digestive system is working optimally.

Food Enzymes

Your body draws food enzymes from your diet.  Food enzymes are found naturally in whole raw foods.  They assist in keeping your arteries, joints and immune system healthy and fully functioning.  To increase the amount of food enzymes your body has to work with, eat lots of organic fruits and vegetables. Enzymes are also found in raw meat and fish, be careful about contamination. (adding HCL to your meals that contain proteins can also avoid this kind of pollution, as it kills the bacteria in your stomach). Lightly cook vegetables and if you can, even eat them raw.  Also, try to buy organic products and do your best to stay completely away from processed foods.

Systemic Enzymes

Your body uses systemic enzymes for tissue building and repair, and overall health.  They prevent sickness and support the healthy function of your various internal systems and general body support.  Systemic enzymes break down multiple substances that move through your body:  allergens, fibrin, mucus, clotting factors, and potentially harmful toxins.

They also help reduce swelling, so people often use them in place of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).  One of the reasons they are preferable over NSAIDS is that systemic enzymes tend to go directly to harmful circulating immune complexes (CICs) while leaving beneficial CICs in place.

Systemic enzymes can be taken as supplements at least one hour before or after a meal. Don’t take it too close to mealtime; otherwise, it will aid digestion instead of cleaning up your system.

NOTE: The daily consumption of systemic enzymes is hard for me as it makes me feel severely depressed. This is due to the release of toxins from Lyme bacteria and because of my problems with candida (yes, despite my healthy diet). The die-off symptoms of these bacteria are nasty, and in the meantime, I need to be able to work and function too.

So, I’m taking this approach slowly – moderation is key! This isn’t easy for me as I’m an impatient person who finds ‘moderation’ hard, and this is something that has always set my health back.

Less is more – my mantra for the rest of my life 🙂

Systemic enzymes can increase hair growth because these enzymes improve blood flow and clear out your blood from impurities.

Since systemic enzymes impact your overall health and wellness, they’ll have an impact on hair growth too. Growth is a side-effect of proper circulation, and this, in return, contributes to healthy hair growth.

Let me explain more about this.

Our body contains about 3000 enzymes that are responsible for approximately 7000 chemical reactions. Enzymes make these processes take place more rapidly. Systemic enzymes serve our healing results and the prevention of viruses, scarring, and inflammation. They also clean the blood and regulate our immune system.

Good circulation is key to healthy hair.

Enzymes are known to improve blood circulation.  This process revitalizes the body in many ways, one of which is promoting hair growth.  Enzymes use excess fibrin circulating through the body to help the blood clot, which makes it thicker.  They also assist the liver in its role of cleansing the blood.  This process ultimately helps your blood circulate better.

The better your blood is flowing through your body, the more your scalp gets the blood it needs, and your hair follicles receive the nutrition that is vital to healthy, consistent hair growth.  If you flip this concept on its head, you’ll realize that the opposite is also exact – restrictions to blood circulation will slow the growth of your hair.

Inflammation: the root cause of many diseases

Chronic Systemic Inflammation is the root of many severe diseases, and finding out whether or not you are suffering from inflammation is critical. Although inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury, when your immune system is unable to keep inflammation at bay, you may head towards premature ageing or other illnesses.

One of the critical functions of systemic enzymes is to help reduce inflammation in the body.  As you know, inflammation creates a lot of problems for those who suffer from it.

When you suffer an injury, the body’s natural response is inflammation.   Your body’s circulating immune complexes (CICs) naturally respond to protect the injured region. It’s your body’s way of alerting you to a problem.

Inflammation can last a long time, and this problem can lead to your body producing more CIC.  Medication typically prescribed by doctors reduces all CICs, both good and bad, but this isn’t optimal.  Enzymes, on the other hand, zero-in only on negative CIC, which helps you heal and leaves you in a much healthier state.

Male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia) is linked to chronic inflammation.  This discovery has led to doctors to start using anti-inflammatories in the treatment of hair loss.  For health-conscious individuals, systemic enzymes are a natural, healthy option for treating inflammation that could lead to hair loss.

Poor diet and other lifestyle factors may cause inflammation. These included but are not limited to stress, lack of exercise (or too much), tobacco, drugs, medicines, gluten, sugars, processed foods, coffee, alcohol, inflammatory fats, refined flours, grains, and dairy.

Inflammation may develop diseases such as diabetes, colitis, reflux, asthmas, cancer, depression, Alzheimer’s, obesity, autism, metabolic disorders, hypothyroidism (and other thyroid diseases) auto-immune diseases, including auto-immune diseases of the hair-follicles, influenced by an overactive inflammatory response.

So, how do you increase the number of systemic enzymes in your body?

You have two options: make changes to your diet or take systemic enzyme supplements.

Let’s talk about dietary changes. Whether you’re highly disciplined or you struggle to change your life habits when making any nutritional changes try to start small.  Start eating more natural, raw foods like fruits, nuts, seeds, sprouts, and vegetables. Fresh food requires fewer enzymes for digestion, leaving your body in a better enzyme-rich state. Adding ozone to your routine will also increase certain enzymes in your body.

My personal experience with digestive and systemic enzymes

As with all solutions, it took me a while to figure out my enzyme needs as certain brands made me feel bloated or constipated.  I made adjustments, and I now take a few daily digestive enzymes with the foods I eat. As I mentioned before: the regular consumption of systemic enzymes is hard for me as it makes me feel severely depressed.

Systemic enzymes have also been found helpful for:

  • Fibrosis conditions caused by fibrin, a hard, sticky protein
  • Reduction of scar tissues (for example after surgery)
  • Cleaning the blood of toxins and cellular waste and supporting liver function.
  • Improving immune system reactions by helping white blood cell
  • Yeast overgrowth management (puts stress on the liver)
  • In combination with a healthy diet, these enzymes improve your health and slow down premature ageing.
  • Improved assimilation of the foods we eat, which results in an optimal performing body

Hair loss causes regrow hair and how to achieve optimal health.

If you would like to learn more about hair loss, please check out my hair loss causes page.

If you would like to discover more natural and holistic solutions to regrow hair ensure to check out the regrow hair solutions page.

Or to discover more information about cleaning living and holistic lifestyle, explore my optimal health page.



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