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HomeHealth News and TrendsNailing Pumping on The Go During Holiday Travel

Nailing Pumping on The Go During Holiday Travel

Categories: Breastfeeding, Pumping
December 20, 2024

Last updated on December 20, 2024

Holiday travel to visit our loved ones can be hectic, especially when traveling as a family with our little ones. Whether on the road or in the air, careful planning is essential for a breast pumping mama. But don’t worry, you can enjoy your time away from home without worrying about maintaining your milk supply. Here are some tips to help you pump like a pro, while on the go:

Pack Your Pumping Kit

Your travel pumping kit is your lifeline! Having things preassembled and/or packed in the order of how you will need to take them out will make it easier in tight travel spaces. Be sure to include:

  • Milk storage bags or storage bottles
  • A portable cooler
  • Ice or gel packs
  • Extra pumping parts
  • Cleaning supplies, such as a bottle brush, travel-size dish soap, and paper towels (in case there are spills!)

Optional items that can be helpful depending on your travel plans and circumstances:

If you’re traveling with previously expressed milk on a plane, know that it is exempt from Transportation Security Administration (TSA) regulations liquids restrictions in the United States.

Prep Your Pump for Travel

You don’t need to buy a brand-new pump for travel, but choosing the right one for on the go will make life a lot easier. If you have multiple pumps, opt for one that fits your plans—whether it’s portable, battery-powered, wearable, or manual. For plug-in-only pumps, consider bringing a manual pump as a backup for situations without easy access to outlets, like during a plane ride. If you’re using a battery-powered pump, ensure it’s fully charged (or pack extra batteries if it’s not rechargeable) just in case. For international travel, bring an outlet adapter to keep your pump functioning abroad.

Don’t have a breast pump yet? Check if you qualify for a free breast pump through insurance here.

Dress for Travel Success

Comfortable, nursing-friendly clothing is a must. From head to toe, make sure you’re as comfortable as possible, especially if your journey is one of several hours. Layers are a great option for staying cozy, while also giving you the easy access you need for pumping. Some great options are nursing tanks, nursing tops, nursing hoodies, and of course nursing and pumping bras.

Stay Consistent with Your Routine

Even though traveling may disrupt your regular schedule, a little flexibility can make a big difference in keeping your routine on track as much as possible and is key to maintaining your supply. Make the most out of your down time even when you find yourself with little time. Remember, a shorter pumping session is better for your supply than skipping it entirely.

Also, don’t forget about hand expression when you’re in a bind! It’s a valuable skill for situations where you may be unable to nurse or pump. Learn more about the benefits and techniques of hand expression here.

Cleaning and Hygiene

Keeping your breast pump parts clean is essential. If you’re unable to clean your pump parts between sessions, take advantage of those extra breast pump parts you packed until you can thoroughly clean your parts. Always remember to clean your hands with soap and water.

Store Milk Safely

Planning how you will store your breast milk throughout your travels is important. Per the CDC recommendations:

  • Breast milk can be safely kept at room temperature for up to 4 hours.
  • Use an insulated cooler with frozen ice packs to store milk for up to 24 hours.
  • Upon arrival, refrigerate or freeze milk immediately.

Also, plan for your trip back home. Make sure wherever you’re staying has a fridge, freezer, and sink to keep your milk safe and ready for when you’re back on the move.

Pro Tip: If your ice is not allowed through security, that is ok! Just empty your bag and ask for a refill at Starbucks or any restaurant. Then, get yourself a little treat while there too – you deserve it! (We recommend a couple gallon size Ziplock bags, to prevent leakage.)

Don’t Forget About You

Between holiday festivities and long travel days, it can be easy to forget to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water, ideally with electrolytes when you can, to support your milk supply and keep some healthy snacks handy to fuel your body and maintain your energy.

With thoughtful planning and keeping a flexible mindset, you can stay on top of your pumping routine and overcome the added challenges of the holiday travel, all while soaking in the joy of the season.



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