To maintain a healthy lifestyle, you’ll need to maintain a balanced diet and eat healthy food. Doing this can help lower the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.
The issue that most people face is finding the time to find the right foods to eat as well as preparing them. You’ll see other people around you enjoying their clean eating lifestyle, but you’re struggling and thinking of giving up.
The following foods are considered superfoods, are quick to source and prepare to allow you more time to enjoy life.
1. Apples
You can find apples in most supermarkets that you go to. They contain a variety of antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins. They make the perfect snack between meals if you feel hungry and make you feel full.
The fiber that apples contain, assist the good bacteria in you and help protect you against weight gain, lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

2. Avocados
Most people think of the avocado as a vegetable but it’s actually a fruit and a healthy one in fact. It contains more healthy fats than carbs. They have a creamy texture, are tasty and contain a healthy portion of vitamins and potassium.
Avocados contain a high amount of fiber compared to other foods and contain many benefits to aid you in weight loss and help increase your metabolism.
3. Blueberries
If you’re looking for a food that contains high amounts of powerful antioxidants, then you need to eat blueberries as they prevent LDL cholesterol from developing. It’s loaded with vitamin C, fiber, and is low in calories.
The high amounts of antioxidants help your brain function and help prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
4. Chicken Breasts
A good source of protein, low in calories and fat is the mighty chicken breast. It can be used in a variety of dishes. It helps you with losing weight as well as maintaining low blood pressure.
Chicken has been eaten for thousands and thousands of years and can be bought from your local store or butchery. Try and go for organic chicken which contains the most nutrients.

5. Almonds
One of the world’s most popular nuts, it’s packed with fiber, magnesium and vitamin E. Almonds can help you lose weight as well as keep your metabolism ticking over. The main benefit is the amount of magnesium it contains as it helps prevent type 2 diabetes, as well as lower your blood sugar levels.
6. Broccoli
You can eat broccoli both raw and cooked. It contains great amounts of protein, fiber and vitamins K and C. Eating enough broccoli will help you lower your blood sugar levels and lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes.
7. Kale
This one has been saved for last as it has become quite popular. It contains a high amount of vitamins K, C and can be added to a variety of dishes such as salads. It can also be enjoyed in your daily green juice.
The next time you go shopping, add these healthy foods to your basket and take note of the changes that you’ experience.